Unlike functions in “real” programming languages, Bash functions don’t allow you to return a value when called. When a bash function completes, its return value is the status of the last statement executed in the function, 0 for success and non-zero decimal number in the 1 - 255 range for failure.
The return status can be specified by using the return keyword, and it is assigned to the variable $?. The return statement terminates the function. You can think of it as the function’s exit status.
[Korean Summary]
Bash 쉘은 기본적으로 call 할 때 값을 return 받는 구조를 허용하지 않는다.
가장 마지막으로 수행된 statement의 return value를 '$?' 에 저장한다.
my_function () {
echo "some result"
return 55
echo $?
some result